From Employee to Entrepreneur: My Decision to Start a Software Company

Chamal D Rathnayake
3 min readSep 26, 2023


Photo by Jigar Panchal on Unsplash


The journey from being an employee in the software industry to becoming an entrepreneur launching my own software company is akin to embarking on a thrilling odyssey. It’s a voyage filled with challenges, triumphs, and uncharted waters. In this article, I’ll dive deep into the narrative of transitioning from the security of employment to the unbridled passion of entrepreneurship. Join us as we explore the highs and lows, the pivotal decisions, and the invaluable lessons learned on this extraordinary journey.

1. The Spark of Entrepreneurship:

Every great journey starts with a spark of inspiration. For me, it was the desire to create something unique, to solve problems in my own way, and to bring my vision to life. This desire is the fuel that propels us from being employees to entrepreneurs.

2. The Quest for Purpose:

Starting a software company isn’t just about making money; it’s about making a meaningful impact. It’s about identifying a problem or a need in the market and passionately working to solve it. Finding that purpose is the first step in the journey.

3. The Pioneering Mindset:

As an employee, you’re part of a well-established system. As an entrepreneur, you’re a pioneer forging your path. This shift in mindset, from following to leading, is a fundamental transformation.

4. The Idea Incubator:

Every great company starts with a great idea. The incubation stage involves refining that idea, conducting market research, and ensuring there’s a genuine demand for your solution. It’s a critical phase that determines your venture’s viability.

5. The Business Plan Blueprint:

A solid business plan is your treasure map in this odyssey. It outlines your vision, mission, target market, revenue model, and growth strategy. Creating a comprehensive plan is essential for securing funding and guiding your company’s growth.

6. The Financial Odyssey:

Launching a startup often means financial sacrifices. It’s crucial to have a financial plan that covers initial costs, operating expenses, and potential setbacks. Securing funding through investors, loans, or grants is another journey within the journey.

7. The Quest for Talent:

Building a software company requires assembling a skilled team that shares your vision. Finding the right co-founders, developers, designers, and marketers is like recruiting fellow adventurers for your quest.

8. The Valleys of Uncertainty:

Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster. There will be valleys of uncertainty and self-doubt. It’s during these moments that your conviction in your mission and your resilience are tested.

9. The Peak of Innovation:

Software entrepreneurship is all about innovation. It’s about finding creative solutions to complex problems. Embracing innovation keeps your company relevant and competitive.

10. The Quest for Growth:

As your startup gains traction, scaling becomes the focus. It’s about expanding your customer base, refining your product, and entering new markets. The journey continues as you seek new horizons.

11. The Entrepreneurial Community:

Just as Odysseus relied on allies and mentors during his journey, entrepreneurs benefit from a supportive community. Networking, seeking advice, and learning from others in the startup ecosystem are vital aspects of the voyage.

12. The Legacy of Entrepreneurship:

Ultimately, the journey from employee to entrepreneur is about creating a legacy. It’s about leaving a mark on the industry, solving real-world problems, and building something that can endure beyond your lifetime.


The odyssey from employee to entrepreneur in the software industry is not for the faint of heart. It’s a path filled with challenges, uncertainties, and countless pivots. However, it’s also a journey of immense personal growth, creativity, and the pursuit of a dream.

As you navigate this odyssey, remember that every setback is a lesson, every pivot is an opportunity, and every day is a chance to move closer to your vision. The transition from employee to entrepreneur is not just a career change; it’s a transformation of self, a testament to resilience, and a tribute to the human spirit’s capacity for innovation and creation.

So, if you’re contemplating this journey or already on it, embrace the adventure, stay true to your vision, and let your odyssey from employee to entrepreneur be a narrative of passion, purpose, and perseverance in the world of software.

